> In general you are right, but marking some block as "seealso" can be
> very usefull when rendering and converting to other formars (e.g. HTML
> Help).

HTML Help will definetly render the see also parts with different
style. Now I have implemented some auto detection with some
ugly text processing, searching for "see also:" commas and "and"
words, and detected the see also parts this way for the HTML Help
generation. This is not the right method though...

> Using note as a container allows you to use
> simplelist if you want some longer list of functions or whatever else be
> seealso-ed.
> Ultimately, you guys (Egon, Goba, Harmut) should agree on correct markup
> pattern. I just offered my opinion from DocBook markup point of view.  

As <note role="seealso"> seems the more versatile solution, with both
enabling us to use paras and lists, +1 for this method.


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