Hallo Gabor,

Tuesday, April 16, 2002, 10:07:12 PM, you wrote:

> Hi!

> As now we have separate groups of files for every extension, we
> can talk again about grouping of extensions by purpose.

> I made some small investigations. We have <reference> for an
> extension. This is only allowed in <book> and <part>, so we need
> to make every gruop a <part> to make this work... But <part>s
> can only be in books, and so this would only work, if we would
> have the reference part as a separate <book> (this would
> not mean a separation from the PHP Manual, but a separation on
> the XML level).

> The other way is to go a bit deeper, and drop <reference>,
> as <refentry> (which we use for individual functions) can
> be under a <sectx> [where x is 0 < int < 6] or <section>.
> A <section> can contain virtually anything (we already use
> sections under our <partintro>s).

> So we can go the way to have a separate <book> for the
> reference part, and have the groups as <part>s, or we can
> drop <reference> and use <section> instead of that.

> Which way to go? I don't know right now, what to vote for...
> BUT we need to decide on this, as these are the only
> two methods as I can see to solve our grouping problems.

I vote for drop the <refence> and replace this with section-parts.
Why? From my point of view we have one book with several parts. One
part of this book is the funcref and therefore it should not be a
sepearate book (on the xml level). Grouping functions to topics like
database and so on, this topics become chapters of the general book
and this should be modelled with XML.



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