Yeah, the $Author$ here is the cvs username of the last modifier of the
file. In this way we can get to know who modified the file at last time. We
just inheret this behavior from the Italian and Japenese Molude, and correct
it to make it work.


"Gabor Hojtsy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Well, no file in the en tree is using $Author$ comments, but many
> > translation molude such as Italian and Japenese Translation as well as
> > Chinese Molude is using the comment lines as following in every xml
> >
> > <!-- $Revision: 1.6 $ -->
> > <!-- $Author: gregory$ -->
> > <!-- EN-Revision: 1.18 Maintainer: thomaslio Status: ready -->
> > <!-- CREDITS: Gregory -->
> >
> > However, you may find the second line above of the xml files in Italian
> > Japenese molude are:
> >
> > <!-- $AUTHOR$ -->
> >
> > It's not available for cvs to replace it correctly...
> So it's not in the howto, because it was not used widely when
> the howto's translation section was assemmbled. BTW what's the point
> in using that comment, can you please explain me? As you have a
> maintainer info in the translation comment and have a list of previous
> maintainers in the credits list, why you need to have an $Author?
> Which is even not the name of the person, who is the author, but
> who last modified the document isn't it?
> Goba

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