> personally I would like to finish the integration of the ini-settings
> (as far as I can do and to my knowledge) about the weekend.
> I would like to get your opinions about where to move/document the
> following settings:
> Miscellaneous functions
> - highlight.string etc.
> - ignore_user_abort
> - browscap

Imho there should be an appendix for ini settings not appropriate for any
other section. We should also put ids to ini description sections, so we
can make up an index from them. Currently we have ids starting with "ini"
so we can find out those sections. Currently we also have a rule, that ini
options are either documented in files named ini.xml or in config.xml, so
it's easy to find them. As we put ini info into other files too, distinct
ids should be added to them.

> Filesystem functions
>  Fopen wrappers
> - allow_url_fopen
> - user_agent
> - anonymous ftp password

Filesystem functions

> PHP Options&Information
> - Assertion related to assert_options?
> - enable_dl
> - max_execution_time 
> - magic_quotes_gpc
> - magic_quotes_runtime
> - max_execution_time

PHP options and information ;)

> implicit_flush ->?

Output buffering.

> magic_quotes_sybase ->?


> Where should safe mode config options go to?
> - safe_mode
> - safe_mode_gid
> - safe_mode_include_dir
> - safe_mode_exec_dir
> - safe_mode_allowed_env_vars
> - safe_mode_protected_env_vars
> - open_basedir
> - disable_functions

Features / safe mode?

> Where should error and logging config options go to, to errorfunc?
> - error_reporting
> - display_errors
> - display_startup_errors
> - log_errors
> - log_errors_max_len
> - ignore_repeated_errors
> - ignore_repeated_source
> - report_memleaks
> - track_errors
> - html_errors
> - docref_root
> - docref_ext
> - error_prepend_string
> - error_append_string
> - error_log
> - warn_plus_overloading

Features / error handling ?

> In addition, I'll modify/update config.xml(e.g. linking to ini_set,
> would close some bugs).

Yep ;)

> Should all Apache related stuff got to /reference/apache ( php_flag
> etc.)

Apache functions are not related to those apache directives, so I
don't like this idea. Maybe to ini_set docs?


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