On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 11:27:51AM +0100, Derick Rethans wrote:
> > Ah yes - but that will contradict greatly, to "the best version yet" marketing
> > trick the Apache Group is advertising on their front page.
> > We can mention it to users, in the bug db etc. But officially documenting, that
> > Apache 2 is really a beta product, doesn't really express consistency, between
> > the "family".
> > 
> > I'm aware that this is not a technical reason not to do this, I'm just pointing
> > out how this can be perceived.
> We can't change the fact that they simply "lie" about it. But wording it 
> like "Apache and PHP are not to be used in production environments" 
> should not produce flames from the apache people I think :)

It's not so much anyone's fault. There are problems all around. The
two main problems I see in getting full stable support for PHP under
Apache2 are:

1) Apache2 filters and flex/bison input streams (via the sapi interface)
   are not playing nice and will take some tweaking to get to play nice.
   a) Specifically, there are problems with large input bodies [IIRC] at
      the moment.

2) Any 3rd party library that is linked with PHP and/or Apache2 must
   be threadsafe (if Apache2 is configured to run multithreaded).


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