goba            Sat May 31 07:19:46 2003 EDT

  Added files:                 
    /phpdoc/RFC 2003_meeting_agenda.html 
  Adding first version of the 2003 phpdoc meeting agenda.
  Please don't fix the whitespace and discuss every major
Index: phpdoc/RFC/2003_meeting_agenda.html
+++ phpdoc/RFC/2003_meeting_agenda.html
<!-- Please don't apply any whitespace changes or reformatting to this file,
     I would like to see clear diffed changes in case you modify anything,
                                                                      Goba -->
        <title>PHP Documentation Meeting 2003 - Agenda</title>
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    <div class="content">
        <h1>PHP Documentation Meeting 2003 - Agenda</h1>
        <p class="cvsid">$Id: 2003_meeting_agenda.html,v 1.1 2003/05/31 11:19:46 goba 
Exp $</p>
        <p>Members of the PHP Documentation Team <a title="meeting protocol"
        href="http://www.php-ev.de/documents/phpdoc/protocol.html";>met in 2002
        in Stuttgart</a> to discuss several problems of the PHP documentation
        and find ways to improve the content, the technical background, the
        communication, the legal issues, etc. Now it is 2003 and time has come
        to organize another face-to-face meeting to discuss what has to be done
        to achive those goals not reached yet, and to define new ones.</p>
        <p>The meeting will take advantage of <a title="English LinuxTag site"
        href="http://www.linuxtag.org/2003/en/index.html";>LinuxTag</a> which
        will take place in Karlsruhe, between 2003. July 10 and 13. <strong>It
        seems now that the meeting will be on July 10, further info will be available
        later</strong>. If you have any problems with the date, please
        <a href="#contact">write to Goba</a> [it is probably not a
        good idea to start a new public discussion on this for every single
        Here is a list of those who are currently known to be at Linuxtag, and
        probably interested in the meeting [in alphabetical order, without
            <li>Arntzen, <strong>Thies</strong> C.</li>
            <li>Bergmann, <strong>Sebastian</strong></li>
            <li>Betz, <strong>Friedhelm</strong></li>
            <li>Boerger, <strong>Marcus</strong></li>
            <li>Fox, <strong>Steph</strong></li>
            <li>Furlong, <strong>Wez</strong></li>
            <li>Greant, <strong>Zak</strong> [maybe]</li>
            <li>Hartmann, <strong>Johann-Peter</strong></li>
            <li>Hojtsy, <strong>Gabor</strong> [aka Goba]</li>
            <li>Holzgraefe, <strong>Hartmut</strong></li>
            <li>Kronsbein, <strong>Mark</strong></li>
            <li>Lerdorf, <strong>Rasmus</strong></li>
            <li>Rethans, <strong>Derick</strong></li>
            <li>Richter, <strong>Georg</strong> [maybe only partial]</li>
            <li>Schroder, <strong>Kai</strong></li>
            <li>Schumann, <strong>Sascha</strong></li>
            <li>Weinert, <strong>Thomas</strong></li>
            <li>Zic, <strong>Sandro</strong></li>
        <p>If you have any problems with this list [you are on it, but will
        not be there, or the other way round] then <a href="#contact">contact
        <p>This summary was created in the hope that it will be useful, and would
        help better use the very few available hours to discuss the topics. Note
        that in 2002 we had a multiday event, while this is not possible now as
        it seems, but we still have plenty to discuss.</p>
        <a name="topics"></a>
        <h2>Topics for discussion</h2>
        <p>If you have a new topic for discussion, feel free to open a new thread
        on it at <a href="#contact">phpdoc</a>. For topics described here, see the
        pointed articles, RFCs, proposals, discussions, and see if you can say new
        or can sum up the discussions better. In case you have pointers to more info
        on some topics, please <a href="#contact">contact Goba</a></p>
                <h3>Crediting manual contributors</h3>
                <p>This problem is in the air for a long time now. We have no
                rules now on who can be listed as an author / editor. This was
                decided by the editors in the past after community discussion
                on a case by case basis. The current license legally puts the
                manual under the hands of those listed on the frontpage, though
                there are much more contributors who helped with adding content,
                finetuning the build system, etc.</p>
                <p>There were several suggestions on improving the situation.
                At the 2002 meeting we found that we need one or a few license
                guys, who can handle license questions, so there won't be a need
                to contact all listed authors / editors in case of a license
                related request. Who should those be, was not decided yet.</p>
                <p>There were no guidelines provided however on how to give credit
                to contributors and this is still an open question. There were
                some threads on this at phpdoc. It seems to me, that initial human
                based nominations were accepted and agreed, but there was no agreement
                regarding mass listing of smaller contributors.</p>
                <div class="points">
                    Some important questions:
                      <li>One list or a "main" and an "others" list?</li>
                      <li>Human based inclusion or machine based?</li>
                      <li>Who should decide on license questions?</li>
                      <li>What to do with the inactive contributors?</li>
                <div class="seealso">
                    See also:
                    "finally: new authors" thread started with this letter</a> and 
                    "list of contributors [rethought]" thread started with this 
                <h3>A user friendly translation / editing environment</h3>
                <p>The PHP documentation has many translations, some of them
                are halted, near dead projects. The main problem with them is
                probably that the joining requirements are too high [Linux / cygwin,
                CVS, XML]. Or at least they seem too high for regular PHP programmers,
                who would be happy to help. It would also be convinient many times
                for experienced helpers to just concentrate on the content, and
                not bother with XML.</p>
                <p>Sandro Zic as well as others have many good ideas on integrating
                some WYSIWYG editors [optinally] into the workflow, so we can get
                more contributors to translate, and fix documentation. A convinient
                system is also needed to easily update what is translated, as left
                alone old translations are sometimes much worse then non-translated
                <div class="points">
                    Some important questions:
                        <li>How to intagrate such stuff into the current system?</li>
                        <li>Authorize the submissions before committing?</li>
                        <li>What impact would a WYSIWYG editing method has on
                            our diffing+mailing system, as WYSIWYG editors are known
                            to 'rewrite' files, and produce useless diffs</li>
                <div class="seealso">
                    See also: <a 
href="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=phpdoc&m=104637138832462";>Sandro's proposal</a>,
                    the <a href="http://www.bitfluxeditor.org/";>Bitflux Editor</a> and
                    a paper on <a href="http://www.zzoss.com/projects/oowdbk/";>DocBook
                    Editing with OpenOffice.org</a>
                <h3>Handling user notes</h3>
                <p>We have a very few volunteers working on the manual user notes
                now. This is somewhat because of the fact that those guys are not
                recognized at all, the php-notes list is even not widely known to
                exist. Still those who work there do a good job in keeping the
                notes somewhat clean and integrating useful content into the 
                <p>There were some ideas on improving this system, including the
                adoption of the voting system used on the PHP-GTK site, an approval
                system for the user notes, and having extensions dedicated to
                given user note maintainers. Another good question is whether
                we will supply the user notes with the offline formats as users
                request it, and in what form [eg. without email addresses to prevent
                further mass email harvesting].</p>
                <div class="seealso">
                    See also: <a href="http://gtk.php.net/manual/en/";>the PHP-GTK
                    manual</a> for some ideas on how the rating works there, and
                    the <a 
                    meeting protocol</a> on the user note related findings there.
                <a name="buildsys"></a>
                <h3>Build system [aka getting rid of DSSSL]</h3>
                <p>The build system is the foundation of our documentation
                framework. There are several problems with it, depending on
                from where are you looking at it.</p>
                    <li>Getting to know the build system is hard for newcomers
                        [especially coming from the Windows world].</li>
                    <li>Maintaining the build system is not easy, we don't have
                        expertise to customize the DSSSL stylesheets, which is
                        one of the building blocks of the system, this stops
                        many advances [see also parts, reference grouping]</li>
                    <li>Getting some results out of the build system takes a
                        very long time, and so it is not useable for quick
                        translation testing.</li>
                    <li>Due to the previous point the builds take days for all the
                        languages on the building server on 100% processor load,
                        so building the manuals is a heavy task</li>
                <p>Let me explain the building process of building the manual, so
                you can see the problems, even if you are not working for the
                docteam every day. <span class="redlines">Red lines</span> mark
                this explanation, so in case you are not that interested, you know
                what to skip :) I know that this may be boring, but the quality
                of the translations and the manual is largely depends on the build
                system, so it is a very important issue [eg. PDF or extended CHM
                <div class="buildsys">
                <p>For a working build system, one needs the usual
                Linux tools [cvs, autoconf, make, gcc for some operations], plus
                a PHP CLI or CGI setup and [open]jade with [o]nsgmls. To build
                some format of the manual you need to do:</p>
                    <li><tt>cvs checkout phpdoc</tt></li>
                    <li><tt>cd phpdoc</tt></li>
                    <li><tt>cvs chechout phpdoc-LANG-dir</tt>, replacing LANG
                    with the desired language, repeating this for all the
                    languages needed [except English]</li>
                    <li><tt>autoconf</tt> - this will create ./configure</li>
                        <tt>./configure --with-lang=LANG</tt><br>
                        This will do some preparations:
                            <li>search for tools [jade, openjade, PHP, etc.]</li>
                            <li>replace configuration vars in all the files ending in 
                            <li>create file entities for all the XML files used</li>
                            <li>run [o]nsgmls to create a list of entities and link 
                                referenced, but not available in the document to make 
the build
                                process work even if such errors exist</li>
                        After this, the build system is configured, and you can
                        choose a format to build the manual.
                    <li>To test the manual for errors, you can run <tt>make test</tt>
                    here, which uses [o]nsgmls to find errors. Similar to this is
                    <tt>make test_man_gen</tt> which is run on the build server, and
                    it is more forgiving for link endpoint errors, in case there are
                    any left after the above configure run</li>
                    In case you would like to get HTML output, you can run
                    <tt>make html</tt>, which will invoke [open]jade and will
                    create HTML output in about 30 minutes. In case of RTL
                    languages [Hebrew, Arabic] a special output parser [written
                    in PHP] runs through the output to finetune it for RTL rules.
                    For PHP coded output to use on a mirror site, you can run
                    <tt>make phpweb</tt> and expect the output in slightly more
                    time then <tt>make html</tt>, as this outputs more interlinks
                    then the HTML version. The RTL patch is applied here too. Before
                    the [open]jade run, a special phpweb_entities file is created
                    [using a PHP script] to make the php.net links relative to the
                    mirror sites hosting the manuals. This entity file is removed
                    after this build.
                    To get one big HTML file, you can run <tt>make bightml</tt>,
                    and that will produce the output in significantly in less time
                    then the two previous output methods, as no chunking is needed
                    and interlinks are easier to calculate. No RTL patch is applied
                    for this output so far.
                    The PalmDoc version [<tt>make palmdoc</tt>] depends on a txt
                    version already built [which is done with filtering the bightml 
                    through lynx]. This targer runs the <tt>scripts/makedoc</tt>
                    program to create the isilo version out of the txt [compresses
                    the text file].
                    The Palm iSilo version [<tt>make isilo</tt>] uses iSilo386 external
                    program which should be installed on the build machine. It
                    compresses the bightml version using the iSilo format.
                    The PDF version [<tt>make pdf</tt>] "is created" by first using
                    [open]jade to convert the manual to tex format. Then jadetex is
                    run three times on this tex file to create a DVI [multipass is
                    needed to make the output look right]. Then dvipdfm is run to 
                    a PDF out of the DVI. This process is not working currently, as
                    there are some limits in the processing tools which we managed
                    to step through.
                    To create a CHM version, the <tt>make html</tt> output is used
                    as a basis. A custom PHP postprocesor runs though that,
                    and gathers the table of contents information, and rewrites some
                    parts. Then hhc [the HTML Help Compiler] is run to create the CHM.
                    Hhc is a free program, only available for Windows.
                    To create an extended CHM version, you need XSLT tools [xsltproc].
                    You need to run <tt>make chm_xsl</tt> and then download and unbz2
                    the actual complete user notes package. Then you can run
                    <tt>make_chm</tt> in the <tt>htmlhelp</tt> dir of phpdoc [not the
                    CHM dir!]. This uses some PHP regex magic to rewrite some parts of
                    the XSL output, similarly to the normal CHM version, and also uses
                <p>As you can see the problem with the build system is that it does
                not attempt to reuse many already built parts. The html and phpweb
                outputs are completely separately built for example, while they are
                95% the same content (the navigation parts differ). A further problem
                is that the whole manual is built everytime. That means no quick check
                possibility for translators, but more importantly a huge waste of time
                on the build machine, as most of the translations still have heavy
                untranslated content.</p>
                <p>Using PHP regex magic for providing RTL support, and building the
                two CHM versions is also not an ideal solution, as those are very
                vulnerable to changes in the output format. The extended CHM builds are
                in fact halted because of some significant changes in the XSL output
                format lately.</p>
                <p>The whole point in getting rid of DSSSL is that we need some 
                we can customize, and modify as needed. XSLT is ideal for that as there
                are some guys knowing that standard, and it is easily readable, so 
                can help. But itself XSLT does not solve the "build time waste" 
                The negative point of the XSLT based HTML generation is that when we 
                with a translated manual, there can be encoding colissions in
                entities and untranslated documents, though there are proposed 
                for that.</p>

                <p>I [Goba] had a suggestion on the XSLT base to build a TOC first and
                then skip non-translated parts on the XSLT level. That would enable
                quick testing too. Wez has a "livedocs" idea which may lead to a more
                maintainable solution then XSLT, but we have very small amount of info
                on it currently.</p>
                <p>Regarding the offline versions of the manual, Goba had an idea of
                a "self-hosted manual" which would provide integration support for 
                PHP-GTK and any other docs, and would use XML for navigation and HTML 
                and/or XML for formatted pages. Local searching would be supported 
with a
                PHP based solution. Even customized PDF building would be possible with
                this version.</p>
                <div class="points">
                    Some important questions:
                        <li>Where to go from DSSSL? XSLT or custom PHP solution?</li>
                        <li>How to get a full PDF version working again?</li>
                        <li>Use an xmllint based "make test" and "./configure" instead
                            of an [o]nsgmls based [as it is currently]?</li>
                        <li>Employ a distributed build system to make automatic
                            manual building work again?</li>
                        <li>Add some priorities to the build system so English manuals,
                            and phpweb manuals are built more often?</li>
                        <li>How to merge the two CHM versions, and make it 
                <div class="seealso">
                    See also: <a 
                    livedocs suggestion</a>, <a 
                    self hosted docs RFC</a>, <a 
href="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=phpdoc&m=105101187801978";>one speedup idea from 
href="http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=phpdoc&m=105136521804028";>another speedup idea 
from Goba</a> and the <a 
                    on the Hebrew encoding issue and RTL problems</a>
                <h3>Structuring the documentation</h3>
                <p>Having structure see also sections in the documentation,
                grouping of reference sections by type and manpage like function
                documentation are old ideas. The problem with most of these ideas
                is that the current DSSSL based build system blocks us from going
                on with them, as we lack the expertise to customize the DSSSL sheets
                for our likeing.</p>
                <p>There is also no support in DocBook for that kind of see also
                lists we would like to use, and there is absolutely no support for
                reference part grouping. So to achive that we need to customize
                DocBook somehow, or rewrite the whole manual structure. The PHP-GTK
                documentation group has good experience with using a modified
                DocBook DTD, which is very well supported by DocBook.</p>
                <p>Still we cannot step in this direction unless the build system
                is ready for the modified input. Also note that the flow of the
                extensions documented in the TOC is the worst thing we can
                provide for a newcomer, and we reecieved criticism for this
                point many times in the past.</p>
                <div class="points">
                Some important questions:
                        <li>Is it OK to use a modified DocBook DTD?</li>
                        <li>Is the manpage like function documentation still 
                <div class="seealso">
                See also: <a 
                and <a 
                which has add support for reference grouping to DocBook XML
                <h3>PHP 5 and PECL</h3>
                <p>It is a largely open question when and how we should document
                the upcoming new features in PHP 5. As well as how to document the
                PHP classes using DocBook. It is important that when PHP 5 comes
                out [even in RCs?], the documentation should be up to date. But
                it is also important that we are not placing content into the manual
                related to PHP 5 without special notices.</p>
                <p>With the upcoming PHP releases and with PHP 5, many extension will
                be moved [is already moved] to PECL. The PHP documentation is getting
                increasingly ready for a copy-paste move of the docs of those 
                [having all extension related docs at one place]. But it is still not
                decided whether all moved extensions' docs should move to PECL docs,
                or leave some at phpdoc.</p>
                <p>It is also important to maintain some consistency in moved docs.
                Eg. have a listing of removed extensions, make the URL shortcuts
                redirect to the PECL manual, move / remove the user notes related
                to those extensions, etc.</p>
                <div class="points">
                    Some important questions:
                        <li>How / when to document PHP 5 features?</li>
                        <li>What extensions will be moved to PECL and when?</li>
                <div class="seealso">
                    I don't know of any material to put here...
                <h3>Better 'documentation experience' for users</h3>
                <p>This point includes discussion of ideas for improving the
                presentation of the online and offline manuals. Manual search
                solutions, PHP source code highlighting, better table of
                contents, indexes and other stuff would greatly add to the user
                <p>The extended CHM is the best version for onscreen browsing
                on Windows. We should build on it's experience and add new
                features to other formats too [eg. include user notes in
                downloadable versions?].</p>
                <p>The role of the different formats should also be discussed.
                Whether we need two different Palm versions, two different CHM
                versions and the if anyone uses the bightml version [except for
                converting it to PDF]? Would a self-hosted manual obsolote the
                <div class="seealso">
                See also the parts on different formats in the <a 
                system topic</a>.
                <h3>Separation of 'PHP Manual' and 'PHP Internals Manual'</h3>
                <p>Having 'PHP Internals' information in a manual mainly focused
                at users leads to many confusions. Development pages can be
                returned in searches, users can get there inadvertantly. Having
                these sections in the manual also slows down the builds, and makes
                the manual downloads bigger for no reason. Those parts are not used
                by most of the reader base.</p>
                <p>There should be an easy way to separate the manual from the
                internals part and have two books separately built. The internals
                book would include information on development for PHP 3 / 4 and
                the streams development docs currently included in the manual. How
                this can be integrated in the current build system is still a
                <div class="points">
                    Some important questions:
                        <li>Do we need translation support for the Internals 
                        <li>Should it sit in the phpdoc CVS module?</li>
                        <li>How to integrate it with the build system?</li>
                <div class="seealso">
                    I don't know of any material to put here...
        <a name="contact"></a>
        <p>Contact <a href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">the PHP Documentation
        Mailing List</a> in case of questions and suggestions for discussions. In
        case of suggestions regarding this page or personal problems, please
        write to Goba (<span class="linklooking"
        title="This is not a real link, you know why :)">goba at php dot 
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