-                experience.</p>
+                experience.  Also, one should be able to search both peardoc
+                and phpdoc manuals through one interface (ex. php.net/sqlite)</p>

Erm, "should" is too agressive wording here. I am sure many will oppose the addition of more shortcuts ;) So "may" would be better.

prepare for battle then, I like this idea too.

I am not specially opposed to this idea. But haven't you been the one to warn us of performance problems for using array_reverse() for those who would like to get notes in reversed order? I have not said I don't like the idea, but projected that there will be opposition [mainly because possible name colissions and performance reasons]. Wez said some time ago, that we have enough URL shortcuts, and you said these things slow down the server... I have written the above with that in mind... This is not a bad idea at all. But you and Wez will also attend the meeting, so we can talk about these things too ;)


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