On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Derick Rethans wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> > > -                experience.</p>
> > > +                experience.  Also, one should be able to search both peardoc
> > > +                and phpdoc manuals through one interface (ex. 
> > > php.net/sqlite)</p>
> > 
> > Erm, "should" is too agressive wording here. I am sure many will oppose 
> > the addition of more shortcuts ;) So "may" would be better.
> prepare for battle then, I like this idea too.

The main idea there is for searching.  One should be able 
to find a PECL function through php.net search facilities 
otherwise life would be (is) too difficult, especially as 
more and more extensions are being moved to PECL, with some
of those docs being moved to peardoc too.  I'm sure most
will agree on this and it'll help PECL gain popularity as
opposed to, as some will say, a Siberia status.  Users
could care less if something is in phpdoc or peardoc, and
will feel lost and confused if we force them to care.

If this isn't possible, there should be a good reason why :)


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