> > Well, if someone has no CVS account then he will not
> > be able to fix the 
> > docbug in the documentation CVS, so he can only mark
> > it 'to be fixed in 
> > the toc' AKA 'docbugreport', so someone with a CVS
> > account can fix it. 
> > If the note maintainer system would enable someone
> > to move a manual user 
> > note to be a bug, then this would not require a CVS
> > account. Some 
> > authentication will be needed throughout the process
> > (which requires a 
> > CVS account now), but the bug can be opened with the
> > email address of 
> > the original user note submitter....
> That was my original idea. Anyone can submit a bug
> report, fixing it should be left to whoever has CVS
> access to phpdoc. We can even use for the bug report
> originator the php-notes lists address, that way the
> other editors will know that someone did mark a
> particular entry as such and does not duplicate the
> effort.

> Some good points here :)  I'm leaning towards weaning 
> the entire PHP documentation process away from the 
> general php bugs system, as the two just don't seem to 
> be the best of friends.  This new notes system can be 
> a big part of the new setup.
> Regards,
> Philip

Have to agree 100% with you Philip the documentation bugs should have its
own system, integration with the notes system could work, mark the note as a
bug and its sent over to the bug system? Solves 2 problems at once really to
be honest I don't like touching the bugs system it seems to be snipers's
baby and likely to hurt me if I touch it ;) 

In regards to the current notes system from a users point of view it's the
best resource out there, people are constantly commenting in irc how much
they are being helped with it, the comments are getting better as people
seem to know what is accepted and not these days, although some more
monitoring could be done better some how as a lot of shitty notes still get
through, bugs etc etc just have a look at some obscure functions some time 

Having never seen the email that is sent to rejected letters I cant comment
however there has been a lot of noise on it as of late so I assume its not
up to par, so maybe a complete overhaul is in order? Yet again having our
own bug page will help enormously in moderating the notes page 1) a lot more
options rather than deleting a bug request because it doesn't belong there
and it never being dealt with, im sure it happens mark it as a bug and bang
it has everyone's attention 
I guess im rambling again I do that just my 2c's

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