Gabor Hojtsy wrote:

That was my original idea. Anyone can submit a bug
report, fixing it should be left to whoever has CVS
access to phpdoc. We can even use for the bug report
originator the php-notes lists address, that way the
other editors will know that someone did mark a
particular entry as such and does not duplicate the

Some good points here :) I'm leaning towards weaning the entire PHP documentation process away from the general php bugs system, as the two just don't seem to be the best of friends. This new notes system can be a big part of the new setup.

Have to agree 100% with you Philip the documentation bugs should have its
own system, integration with the notes system could work, mark the note as a
bug and its sent over to the bug system? Solves 2 problems at once really to
be honest I don't like touching the bugs system it seems to be snipers's
baby and likely to hurt me if I touch it ;)

Am I correct if I think that you are suggesting that the doc group should have a bug system on its own? Like PEAR and PECL? Are the PEAR and PECL bug systems a copy of the original bug system? Is it a good idea to have four differently evolving copies of the same bug system?

I think the problem here will be for core developpers. Right now, if some user post a bug report about the zend engine (or some part of the core) but the developper think that this a documentation bug, he will just want to change the category to "Documentation bug" and won't struggle to post a new bug on the new documentation bugs interface and then mark the original post as bogus or won't fix.

But again, wa can do some kind of magic here.

Having a separate system for the documentation bug will help to categorize those bugs. We can for example create a category for each extension, etc.


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