nlopess         Fri Feb  6 12:20:48 2004 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc/en/appendices       migration5.xml 
  new functions and CLI/CGI sections
  more to come... stay tuned
Index: phpdoc/en/appendices/migration5.xml
diff -u phpdoc/en/appendices/migration5.xml:1.4 phpdoc/en/appendices/migration5.xml:1.5
--- phpdoc/en/appendices/migration5.xml:1.4     Mon Feb  2 10:53:23 2004
+++ phpdoc/en/appendices/migration5.xml Fri Feb  6 12:20:48 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!-- $Revision: 1.4 $ -->
+<!-- $Revision: 1.5 $ -->
  <appendix id="migration5">
   <title>Migrating from PHP 4 to PHP 5</title>
@@ -70,13 +70,30 @@
+  <section id="migration5.cli-cgi">
+   <title>CLI and CGI</title>
+   <para>
+    In PHP 5 there were some changes in CLI and CGI filenames. In PHP 5, the
+    CGI version was renamed to <literal>php-cgi.exe</literal> (previously
+    <literal>php.exe</literal>) and the CLI version now sits in the main
+    directory (previously <literal>cli/php.exe</literal>).
+   </para>
+   <para>
+    In PHP 5 it was also introduced a new mode:
+    <literal>php-win.exe</literal>. This is equal to the CLI version, except
+    that php-win doesn't output anything and thus provides no console (no "dos
+    box" appears on the screen). This behavior is similar to php-gtk.
+   </para>
+  </section>
   <section id="migration5.configuration">
    <title>Migrating Configuration Files</title>
     Since the ISAPI modules changed their names, from php4xxx to php5xxx, you
     need to make some changes in the configuration files. There were also
-    changes in the CLI and CGI filenames. Please refer to the corresponding
-    section for more information.
+    changes in the CLI and CGI filenames. Please refer to the <link
+     linkend="migration5.cli-cgi">corresponding section</link> for more
+    information.
     Migrate the Apache configuration is extremely easy. See the example below
@@ -115,6 +132,257 @@
+  <section id="migration5.functions">
+   <title>New Functions</title>
+   <para>
+    In PHP 5 there are some new functions. Here is the list of them:
+   </para>
+   <para>Arrays:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_combine</function> - Creates an array by using one array
+      for keys and another for its values
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_diff_uassoc</function> - Computes the difference of
+      arrays with additional index check which is performed by a user supplied
+      callback function
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_udiff</function> - Computes the difference of arrays by
+      using a callback function for data comparison
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_udiff_assoc</function> - Computes the difference of
+      arrays with additional index check. The data is compared by using a
+      callback function
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_udiff_uassoc</function> - Computes the difference of
+      arrays with additional index check. The data is compared by using a
+      callback function. The index check is done by a callback function also
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>array_walk_recursive</function> - Apply a user function
+      recursively to every member of an array
+    </simpara></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+   <para>InterBase:</para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_affected_rows</function> - Return the number of rows
+      that were affected by the previous query
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_commit_ret</function> - Commit a transaction without
+      closing it
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_drop_db</function> - Drops a database
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_errcode</function> - Return an error code
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_free_event_handler</function> - Cancels a registered
+      event handler
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_gen_id</function> - Increments the named generator and
+      returns its new value
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_name_result</function> - Assigns a name to a result set
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_num_params</function> - Return the number of parameters
+      in a prepared query
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_param_info</function> - Return information about a
+      parameter in a prepared query
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_set_event_handler</function> - Register a callback
+      function to be called when events are posted
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ibase_wait_event</function> - Wait for an event to be posted
+      by the database
+    </simpara></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+   <para>iconv:</para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_mime_decode</function> - Decodes a MIME header field
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_mime_decode_headers</function> - Decodes multiple MIME
+      header fields at once
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_mime_encode</function> - Composes a MIME header field
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_strlen</function> - Returns the character count of
+      string
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_strpos</function> - Finds position of first occurrence
+      of a needle within a haystack
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_strrpos</function> - Finds the last occurrence of a
+      needle within the specified range of haystack
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>iconv_substr</function> - Cut out part of a string
+    </simpara></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+   <para>Streams:</para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_copy_to_stream</function> - Copies data from one stream
+      to another
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_get_line</function> - Gets line from stream resource up
+      to a given delimiter
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_accept</function> - Accept a connection on a
+      socket created by <function>stream_socket_server</function>
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_client</function> - Open Internet or Unix domain
+      socket connection
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_get_name</function> - Retrieve the name of the
+      local or remote sockets
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_recvfrom</function> - Receives data from a
+      socket, connected or not
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_sendto</function> - Sends a message to a socket,
+      whether it is connected or not
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>stream_socket_server</function> - Create an Internet or Unix
+      domain server socket
+    </simpara></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+   <para>Other:</para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>convert_uudecode</function> - decode a uuencoded string
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>convert_uuencode</function> - uuencode a string
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>dba_key_split</function> - Splits a key in string
+      representation into array representation
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>dbase_get_header_info</function> - Get the header info of a
+      dBase database
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>file_put_contents</function> - Write a string to a file
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ftp_alloc</function> - Allocates space for a file to be
+      uploaded
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>get_headers</function> - Fetches all the headers sent by the
+      server in response to a HTTP request
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>headers_list</function> - Returns a list of response headers
+      sent (or ready to send)
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>http_build_query</function> - Generate URL-encoded query string
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>idate</function> - Format a local time/date as integer
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>image_type_to_extension</function> - Get file extension for
+      image-type returned by <function>getimagesize</function>,
+      <function>exif_read_data</function>,
+      <function>exif_thumbnail</function>,
+      <function>exif_imagetype</function>
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>imap_getacl</function> - Gets the ACL for a given mailbox
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>ldap_sasl_bind</function> - Bind to LDAP directory using SASL
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>pcntl_getpriority</function> - Get the priority of any
+      process
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>pcntl_wait</function> - Waits on or returns the status of a
+      forked child as defined by the waitpid() system call
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>pg_version</function> - Returns an array with client, protocol
+      and server version (when available)
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>php_check_syntax</function> - Check the syntax of the
+      specified file
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>php_strip_whitespace</function> - Return source with stripped
+      comments and whitespace
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>proc_nice</function> - Change the priority of the current
+      process
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>setrawcookie</function> - Send a cookie with no url encoding
+      of the value
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>snmp_read_mib</function> - Reads and parses a MIB file into
+      the active MIB tree
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>sqlite_fetch_column_types</function> - Return an array of
+      column types from a particular table
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>str_split</function> - Convert a string to an array
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>strpbrk</function> - Search a string for any of a set of
+      characters
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>substr_compare</function> - Binary safe optionally case
+      insensitive comparison of two strings from an offset, up to length
+      characters
+    </simpara></listitem>
+    <listitem><simpara>
+      <function>time_nanosleep</function> - Delay for a number of seconds and
+      nano seconds
+    </simpara></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+  </section>

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