On Friday 30 July 2004 23:14, Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
> > Doc moves:
> > When (or if) will the Hartmut split script be run on all PECL
> > extensions currently in peardoc?
> >   Ref: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=phpdoc&m=107374866303330
> Anytime someone sits down and does it :) It is a TODO item, but noone
> grabbed it yet.

I just run Hartmuts split script (/scripts/reference-split.php) on PECL 
extension in peardoc. 
As Hartmuts script is a bit dated, the structure of the files does not fit in 
the current phpdoc style (configure.xml, constants.xml etc.) and the id's and 
filenames are with leading pecl., which probably is not what we want?

Beside the points mentioned above entities/urls need some polish.
apd.xml, paradox.xml and ps.xml are currently worked on, all other docs have 
last change times from 2003 and only few files have been translated.

I can take care of the move and polish the files for phpdoc after we made a 
decision how to handle the move.

Raw output sources from the split:



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