On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Ford, Mike               [LSS] wrote:

> Oh, I like these!  I have a few comments that I'd like to cast into
> the pool for discussion:
> (i) Personally, I'd like to see the Parameter Information and Change
>     Log before the full description, so I'd go for something like:
>       Definition    (proto + *short* description of purpose -- the
>                     first para of each of these would suffice)
>       Parameter List
>       Change Log
>       Return Values
>       Description   (the rest of the full description)
>     However, YMMV!

I agree with this, but Changelog should be last.

> (ii) Parameter List: I'd like to see this kept as compact as
>     possible, so I'd prefer to do without the vertical spacing
>     between the parameter name and its description.

Yes, it's too large now, and please no dashed borders, just stick to the
style that was already used on the page.

> (iii) The Change Log table has a rather wide first column -- this
>     may in part be due to the long title, which I think is excessive:
>     "Version" would be quite sufficient IMO.


> (iv) Return Values: fine (but, as an aside, I'd question the wording
>     of this particular example -- I think it should be a general rule
>     to quote the principal return value first, with out-of-range
>     possibilities afterwards, so: "Returns the embedded thumbnail, or
>     FALSE if the image contains no thumbnail.")



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