If you expect a table layout, why overload simple paragraphs with attributes? If it is going to be a table, then para is not right for the markup IMHO. It does not fit semantically and does not fit into DocBook either. BTW I have not checked, but I don't think docbook has a version attribute which applies to para :) What would be the problem with using table markup for changelogs?

The idea was to allow other formatting by livedocs but if we want to go table then let's just do that and do so with a list of role entities inside of language-defs.ent (similar to the reftitle entities).

Well, as far as I have seen, you intend to start implementing these changelogs before livedocs goes really live, so these need to be sensibly rendered with the DSSSL / XSLT tools we use currently. If it is a table and it gets some special mark via a role or something, it can still be displayed differently later in livedocs if needed.

I copied the version tag from your example! :)

It was an intentionally dumb example with dumb tag names :)

A table feels better for the changelog, still not sure about the parameter listing. The manual may look nice with the parameter list using a varlist while the changelog uses a table. Both using table would be a lot of tables!


I'll work on some examples, this is going to be good.



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