> I agree with everything except the seealso.
> Let's formalise it and let XSL do the hard work.
> We can make a simplelist, or find some relevant docbook tag, sticking the
> entity in is a bit dirty.

This has been discussed many times with many dead ends.  Here
are some see also threads:


One structure that was proposed is as follows.  Not sure why
it wasn't implemented, let's wait until Goba comes back from 
vacation to answer this :)

  <note role="seealso">

I can't find any mention of &listendand; on the lists, and
from RFC/2003_meeting_findings.txt is this:

  "About see also lists, the attendees of the meeting concluded 
   in that the current see also writing scheme is fine, and 
   there is no need to modify it."

In summary: Not sure what happened with this idea.  It seemed
like everyone wanted the structured see also (no commas, no
and...) as to let XSL/Livedocs deal with the style but it never 
happened.  Let's see what Goba says on this.


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