Could someone please collect all the sites already set up with docweb stuff, wikis, pepr copies, livedocs and stuff, so we don't continue with more sites getting up and going down? It would be nice to summarize the situationon [EMAIL PROTECTED] I must admit I am getting to loose the picture (who owns what domain, who is going to set up what, what is going to point where, or at least what is the intention).

Here's what I know:


 * CVS:
 * Example: (Sean)
 * Example: (Curt)
 * Patches: (Nuno)
 * Patches: (Jacques)

Documentation tools

 * Tools:
 * Entities:


 * Home:
 * DocSkel:
 * RFCs:


 * CVS:
 * Example: (Mehdi)
 * Example: (Vincent)

It is somewhat positive to see so many people doing things, but it is quite satiric to see that there is no common way, and everyone comes up with his own solutions.

Dave, the docweb project is supposed to contain scripts used to support phpdoc workers via the web. Or if you have scripts to commit to phpdoc, then you can also commit there. Have I overlooked your tools commited to one of these modules, or there is some strong reason to start a new project? Note that if you are not going to commit your code, people will start to write the tools again and again, as it used to be...

Philip/Sean, are you dissatisfied with the adoptoin of pepr to the php doc projects (as being worked on by Vincent), or you have the intention to post your RFCs on this new system later, and you are just impatient? Having RFCs, have you looked into the adopted pepr?

I am really sad that the efforts tend to get disorganized by intention. Maybe when I have some idea to discuss, I will set up a new cms somewhere (probably Drupal to be inconsistent and because I love this CMS :), and post my ideas via that interface, so if someone finds it sometime, (s)he can reply to it. Would it be better? I don't think so.

About the official docweb server. Noone stood up yet and shout that he set up the server we can point the address to. Why? Quite easy. Noone would like to step on others toes. And this is getting worse. Sometime we have been waiting for systems to set up a server for us, and it turned out that they are not open. Then some people said it will be better (and set up in days) if we do it ourselves and Mehdi/Guillaume was proposed. Seeing that this route have not worked out, Jacques set up a version of the docweb site, and adjusted the CVS code to work server independently. Now Mehdi/Guillaume keep insisting on that they will set up the server, Jacques has the server, and so we are in a dead infinite loop. Maybe if we ask three more devoted guys to set up docweb sites, they will get angry enough to start some rent and finnaly we will have one server which will work out and the others will be turned down, so those admins can also concentrate on helping the project in other ways.

I feel quite silly in this situation, as I would not like to say no to Mehdi/Guillaume nor to Jacques, and I cannot decide on what way would be the best, or who will get more upset if one or the other solution is picked.

While we are playing games above this issue, more and more patch sites, wikis, rfc systems, tools pop up in different locations of the web, and getting the info needed for decision making and pushing the project forward does not get easier but rather harder and harder, as finding the stuff you read yesterday get impossible.


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