> I propose moving the Zend API docs to phpdoc/en/zendapi, but we need to 
> make up a good folder structure. We need the XML files, but not simpler 
> then Extending_Zend_....xml, and we also need the figures and source 
> examples in some sensible folder structure. I also don't know whether it 
> would be better to move on the CVS server (retaining history), or just 
> copy-add-commit-remove_on_old_file...
> Goba

Why don't we stick it in phpdoc/en/chapters/zendapi and move the streams 
stuff into phpdoc/en/chapters/streams?

As for the structure relative to this directory, can't we keep the current 
directory structure on the zend site?

I'd like to see the CVS files copied across, retaining the history.


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