Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
Gabor Hojtsy wrote:
To be constructive, I propose Nuno for a new editor (if he agrees). He
has good overview necessary for this position and more than enough
skills. I think he has respect from most docteam members.
Good candidate. He has a good view on phpdoc, phpweb, user notes,
livedocs, etc. Let's gather candidates and/or vote on the already
proposed ones.

Other votes or candidates?

Vrana, Sean.
We can have more than one person as "Editor", no?

I have though a little on the subject, and I prefer not to be the next editor. I currently don't have much time to spend on phpdoc and I'll have to reduce it over the few next months, as I'm (probably) going to participate in Robocup (the robot soccer world cup). Also, my English isn't as good as it should be.. I would vote on Jakub, because he probably has more time than Sean and has already a good experience (we received the cvs account in the same day :) )
Ah, and I don't think that more than one editor is needed..


P.S.: about livedocs, well I wanted to work on it in the last summer, but I couldn't find time for it. I'll see if I can devote some time to it in the next vacations. I really want to rewrite the indexer.

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