Nuno Lopes wrote:
And yes, having an automatic patch center would be great. (any student
here to apply to SoC? :) With such tool we could commit a patch clicking

I am eligible, but I am unable to apply, I have so many other things to
do :) Maybe next year (hopefully my last year of eligibility, from the
point of view of my diploma :).

Same here. I don't have time this year either. I'm flying to Scotland :) (anyone living there?) Thats why I've applied as mentor. I would like to mentor something about livedocs or the site. (you can still apply as well)

just on a buton. But the old problem is that we never have enough time
to implement everything we want.. First livedocs, other stuff later IMHO.

Well said. Livedocs first. Editors, other magic later.

There is the bitflux open-source editor, but it needed to be ported to
docbook (and I'm a noob in XSLT and javascript).

Well, a few years ago, chregu demoed the bitflux editor doing livedocs
looking XML editing. The main problem with phpdoc from the bxe point of
view is that we use these nice system entities (I know this was
mentioned here before recently on the XSLT front :)

Oh, I think I missed it. I once look at the bitflux code, but when I saw XSLT around there, I gave up :)


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