Hi Jacques (and others),

An excerpt, for some context:
[20:33] <philip--> i request you build the doc howto :)
[20:35] <scoates> prometheus% ./howto
[20:35] <scoates> autoconf: not found
[20:35] <scoates> ./howto: ./configure: not found
[20:35] <scoates> make: don't know how to make howtophp. Stop
[20:35] <scoates> cp: howto/php/*: No such file or directory
[20:35] <scoates> make: don't know how to make howtotgz. Stop
[20:35] <scoates> cp: howto/howto.html.tar.gz: No such file or directory
[20:35] <scoates> that's be why
[20:36] <philip--> unfortunate
[20:41] <scoates> yeah
[20:41] <scoates> I don't have root
[20:42] <philip--> do you feel having doc on pb11 would make our lives
[20:42] <scoates> probably. how stable is pb11, now?
[20:43] <philip--> bash-2.05b# uptime
[20:43] <philip--> 8:34PM  up 107 days, 10:06, 1 user, load averages:
0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[20:43] <philip--> like a rock! :)
[20:43] <scoates> that looks good (-:
[20:44] <scoates> what have we tried to do to contact jacques?
[20:50] <philip--> i've tried 2-3 times on my own, no responses
[20:50] <philip--> it's been 6 or so months however


Jacques: we need to hear from you.
Everyone else: if we don't -- do you want to move doc.php.net to pb11?
Putting the stuff on Jacques' server was only because we didn't have a
spare box back then, IIRC.



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