On 8/19/07, Hannes Magnusson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PhD is (will be) two things:
>  - A Docbook render (build.php, include/* formats/* themes/*)
>  - A Docbook builder (not implemented yet)
> The stuff in setup/ (written by Gwynne) is.. "PhD-setup"/"PhD-configurator"?

Heh. Sorry for that. Apparently forgot to explain better - and didn't
even sign my name *sigh*.

*currently* PhD only implements a renderer and a configurator/setup.

The renderer will replace Docbook-xsl/Docbook-dsssl/Livedocs and the
various PHP scripts to render Docbook.
It uses a patch I posted to internals@ few days ago which adds a
"seeking" parameter to in_array()/array_search.
After more thinking, however, I don't think that is really good idea
and we should probably add new functions to do that rather than adding
a parameter to those.

The configurator/setup (written by Gwynne) will replace autoconf and
configure (and various PHP scripts used by phpdocs configure process).
It uses the nowdoc patch Gwynne posted to internals@ few weeks ago.

The builder (not implemented yet, being worked on by Gwynne) will
replace "make .manual", the wacky entity include magic and all the
test targets.


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