Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> I am about to embark on an attempt to get PhD working for me. I will
> report back with results.

setup/setup.php appears to be irreparably fudged, so I will procede on
by directly editing Hannes' template. Some notes:

- It appears we are missing includes for PhD_Output.class.php and
PhD_Options.class.php. Those can be easily added to setup.php, or an
autoload setup to handle them automatically
- PhD_Output appears to reference a non-existent PhD_Prompts for constants.
- Some funky reflection appears to have gone wrong: on line 103
PhD_Interface calls PhD_Output::paramString, using 'Prompt' as the class
name: however, there is no such PhD_Prompts class.

On an unrelated note, attached is an updated phd_nowdoc.php script with
documentation and smarter file writing (won't write to a file if there
was no change). It appears the only file that uses nowdoc is

 Edward Z. Yang                        GnuPG: 0x869C48DA
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"\\'", "\\" => "\\\\")) . "'" . PHP_EOL; } function nowdoc_glob($dir) { foreach (glob("$dir/*.php") as $filename) { $file = file_get_contents($filename); $file = preg_replace_callback("/<<<~[ \t]*(.*)\n(.*)\n\\1\\s*/sU", 'nowdoc_remove', $file, -1, $count); if (!$count) continue; // don't touch file if not necessary echo $filename . PHP_EOL; file_put_contents($filename, $file); } foreach (glob("$dir/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $dir) { nowdoc_glob($dir); } } nowdoc_glob("phd");

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