Hi Ross:

On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 11:57:55AM +0100, Ross Masters wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 30, 2008 at 05:04 AM, Daniel Convissor wrote:
>>> The font size is nowhere hardcoded. It uses em and %.
>> That's hard coding.  We shouldn't be setting it at all.
> It's not hard coding here. Let me explain:
> Using em measurements we can set a font to be proportionally bigger or  
> smaller than the font-size for it's container. For example:
> body { font-size: 0.75em; }   /* Set all fonts to be 0.75 * the browser 
> size */
> body h1 { font-size: 1.25em; }  /* Set h1 elements to be 1.25 * it's  
> container */
> body p { font-size: 1.00em; }  /* Set p elements to be the same size as 
> it's container (0.75) */

Exactly.  Okay, let's stop arguing about semantics of the meaning of 
"hard coding."  The example you're giving me above is telling the browser 
to render the fonts to .75 of normal.  I am firmly against any CSS 
telling the browser to render a page's main content in any size other 
than the browser's default.

Allow me to elaborate on what I mean by "main content" to avoid further 
semantic discussions/misunderstandings.  Setting navigational elements, 
side bars, footers, etc is totally cool.  This can be done by directly 
specifying a font size for those particular elements.

Setting the font size of the main text (the section on pb11's home page 
that starts with "The PHP development team would like to announce the 
immediate availability of PHP 4.4.9...") is unnecessary and undesirable.

So, in the case of pb11, I respectfully request that the HTML an CSS be 
tweaked to put each page block/section into their own div/span/whatever 
then setting the font size for each particular section.  So, for example, 
the home page would contian the following elements:
* search
* nav header
* left side bar
* main content (don't set the font-size for this one)
* right side bar
* footer

Oh, by the way, the CSS at 
http://pb11.php.net/styles/style_uncompressed.css is setting the the body 
to 62.5%, not 0.75em (at least as of 10:30 New York time).

> If the end user had a visual impairment they would set their browser's 
> font sizes to a larger setting.

Which I do.

> Because our font sizes are proportional 
> to that setting their view of the page has larger text than someone who's 
> browser font-size is set to normal.

Yes, but the CSS is then setting it to 62.5% of my setting.  So it's no 
longer at my setting.

> If we didn't set font-sizes at all all text would be the same size 
> (assuming we're using a CSS Reset) which is pretty ugly :-)

Perhaps I misunderstand what you mean by "all text would be the same 
size."  I downloaded the home page and CSS from pb11, took out all CSS 
except the resets, then refreshed.  The various header (h1, h2, etc) 
element sizes behaved normally (with h2 being larger than normal and h1 
being larger than that, etc).

Thank you,


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