Hi Hannes:

> I had a very hard time understanding what you meant with "hard coding"
> as it definitely wasn't *hardcoded*. Using % and ems is the way to go
> exactly for this reason; give the user the choice of resizing.

Yup.  Email conversations are rife with misunderstandings. :)

> >> If we didn't set font-sizes at all all text would be the same size
> >> (assuming we're using a CSS Reset) which is pretty ugly :-)
> >
> > Perhaps I misunderstand what you mean by "all text would be the same
> > size."  I downloaded the home page and CSS from pb11, took out all CSS
> > except the resets, then refreshed.  The various header (h1, h2, etc)
> > element sizes behaved normally (with h2 being larger than normal and h1
> > being larger than that, etc).
> The footer text size should not be the same size as the main content.
> The main content size should not be the same size as menu items.

Agreed.  Another misunderstanding.  Ross and I were discussing the 
"resets" done at the top of the CSS file and how that impacts the rest 
of the document.



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