Hi Hannes:

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:10:28PM +0100, Hannes Magnusson wrote:
> PhD does try to be as xhtml compliant as it can. There are several
> cases which we simply cannot fix, but others that simply have been an
> oversight.

Ja.  Cool.

> It is a tough problem. Be anal about validation or just scrw it, along
> as it works properly - or should we simply drop the whole xhtml stuff
> and move to html5?

Good point, though full HTML 5 itself isn't doable at this point due to 
browsers not supporting it.  But the basic HTML stuff is HTML 5 already.

So if we want to skip XHTML, which is fine with me, we can disregard the 
whole "well formed" concept.

Though we could go toward XHTML 5 variant of the new spec if we want the 
documents to be XML parsable.


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