On 29 April 2010 08:50, Peter Cowburn <petercowb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 29 April 2010 08:18, Philip Olson <phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:
>> Moments ago Yawk asked in IRC about why we list inherited methods but not 
>> inherited properties. Good question. So unless someone comes up with a 
>> reason, let's add them too. Okay? It can use the same form of xpointer 
>> inside the classname.xml files.
> Good call, thanks yawk! I've had a number of folks in the past ask my
> about why a certain class constant is available but not in the docs so
> it would be good to have them listed in the class synopsis.
> While we're on the topic, if anyone is looking to go through some
> classes to add in these inherited constants then it would be worth
> checking for inherited methods as well since not all classes have them
> listed.
>> Regards,
>> Philip

As a test, I used the SPL's RunTimeException.

<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook)
xpointer(id('class.exception')/descendant::db:fieldsynopsis)" />

works, but it includes the private properties.

How can I extend that to exclude <modifier>private</modifier>

I've tried ...

<xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook)

I also see that the private methods are inherited. Clearly not right
as you cannot call the base class's private method in a sub-class.


Richard Quadling
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