On 27 April 2011 13:58, Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've been working on some optimizations for PhD and configure.php the
> past few days..

You're my hero-of-the-week... I render bits and pieces of the docs *a
lot* (as everyone should) so taking the turn-around time from 8
minutes to 8 seconds will make life a heckofalot easier.

> Some changes;
> - The PhD indexing should be "blazingly" fast now (~2minutes shaved
> off on my laptop) , compared to the current release
> - The rendering should start faster now (~20sec shaved off on my laptop)
> - configure.php now has a developers (--generate) option, similar to --partial
> The configure.php --generate option takes a *filename* as an argument,
> and will create a .manual.xml file based on that filename.
> You would usually pass in en/reference/<extname>/book.xml as the
> filename, or other chunk containers.
> This option will make configure.php eat heckofalot less ram, improve
> its performance - and at last, but not least, reduce the phd rendering
> time maaassively.
> Do note: passing --generate will turn on "force save" because the
> document will usually not validate (due to missing IDREFs), so you
> will always get the .manual.xml (unless you have a major xml error in
> your doc).
> All this takes us alot closer to be able to provide "live preview" in PhD OE..
> The "whole shebang" (configure.php, phd indexing, phd rendering) for
> one book (mysqli, for example) takes my laptop less then 7seconds[1]
> :D

Very exciting, having folks be able to see a preview of their changes
has been one of the most requested features from the people I've asked
to use the online editor. :)

> -Hannes
> [1] http://pastebin.com/fzzDUedw

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