On Feb 21, 2012 9:51 PM, "Philip Olson" <phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:
> Hello doc geeks,
> I'm not sure if PHP will join the GSoC[1] effort this year, but regardless
> it's worth coming up with worthy tasks. We've had great success with PhD
> in the past, so here are a few rough ideas:
>  - PhD
>    - Possible mentors: Hannes, Moacir
>    - What: Renders DocBook
>    - Related links:
>      - 2010 proposal: http://docbook.xmlpress.net/tiki-index.php?page=PhD
>      - Old TODO: https://wiki.php.net/doc/todo/phd
>      - Source: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/phd/trunk/
>    - TODO: *
>  - Online Editor
>    - Possible mentors: Alexander, Yannick
>    - What: Web-based DocBook editor
>    - Related links:
>      - TODO:
>      - Site: https://edit.php.net/
>      - Source: http://git.php.net/?p=web/doc-editor.git
>    - TODO: *
>  - Docweb
>    - Possible mentors: Hannes, Philip, anyone
>    - What: Tool for helping manage the PHP documentation
>    - Related links:
>      - Site: http://doc.php.net/
>      - Source: http://git.php.net/?p=web/doc.git
>    - TODO:
>      - We barely use this site, so could we change this?
>      - Integrate more doc-base/scripts/ stuff?
> If we want to join the GSoC then I'm guessing we'll need to lead the
> Please speak up if you're willing to administrate the GSoC for the entire
> PHP project.
> Also, here's the general ideas page for the PHP project:
>  - http://wiki.php.net/ideas
> Regards,
> Philip
> [1] http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012

Incidentally, I was going to send a similar message tomorrow, volunteering
to oversee the entire PHP involvement through from start to finish,
applications, reviews, et al.  I'd love to see the success we've had in the
years we've done it, as well as increasing the retention of the
participants as permanent committers.  I wanted to check in with folks on
IRC tomorrow morning to gauge their interest as well, since it would not
only be the docs, but core and subprojects (if any) as well.

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