On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 8:14 PM, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Hannes Magnusson
> <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > And yes I've had the account since 2010.  It's all on the list.  And I
>> > do
>> I know you requested an account on August 9th 2010, and later followed
>> it up in September and again in October.
> As I recall, actually, I only followed-up once.  But I could be mistaken; it
> was two years ago, after all.

That is why we have archives: http://php.markmail.org/thread/jueltca2ssd7ujmw

>> At somepoint someone approved your account, but at that point in time
>> the approval notice was not sent to a public list. That didn't change
>> until I fixed that earlier this year.
>> Which means I don't know who approved your account - because that
>> person never gave you any karma at all at any time, as you can clearly
>> see by looking at the global_avail file.
>> That is however not really relevant information, just would be
>> interesting to know.
> I'm pretty sure the approval was on the open list, though he may have
> forgotten to do a reply-all.  I'll have to look through my inbox.  I don't
> remember who it was off the top of my head.

I am not telling you how I think the system works. I am telling you
this is how it works.
Approving a VCS account request is a manual thing done by pressing a
"approve" button on master.
This button used to only generate an email to the requester, and to
group@. No public records.
That mail furthermore did not used to contain who actually approved the account.

Unless someone mailed you directly, you wouldn't know who approved it
- again, at that point in time.
This is no longer the case with today approvals/rejections.

>> > remember being able to edit the PHP.net man pages without the Docbook
>> > editor.  I know I'm not crazy on this, so maybe we're referring to
>> > separate
>> > things?  I'm not sure.  But either way, I have made edits before
>> What does that mean? How did you edit the files? Where did you commit
>> them?
>> Do you have a concrete example?
>> Searching my mailbox shows you have only ever used your account to
>> submit couple of bug tickets, and comment on two or three.
> I'm not sure.  This was all the way back in 2010.  I remember the UI was
> very different though.  But if what you say is true and it was always
> Docbook, then the only logical explanation is that I'm remembering something
> else.

We did have "the OE" in 2010. And that is the *only* UI we have ever had.

> I have used this account primarily for updates to the Wiki thus far.  I've
> also done some comments and handled a few bugs.  In addition, I submitted an
> RFC and it passed unanimously, though I'm still (slooowly) getting my new
> dev environment setup so I haven't committed the code change to Git yet.

bugsweb and wikiweb karma comes with the approval of an VCS account.
Same with editing/reject user notes and community events.

I know you have made about dozen or so comments on bug reports using
your php.net account.

I'm not questioning if you have an account or not. I am telling you
you do have an account, but without any VCS karma.

I cannot find any traces by you in the form of VCS commits. Be it to

> I've been encouraged to start helping maintain the online docs, which seems
> like a good idea since there's a definite need for it and it's something I
> can help with while I'm getting my dev environment setup.  That's when I ran
> into this brick wall.  The sooner it's fixed, the sooner I can start making
> myself a little more useful than I have been as of late.

The online editor is a perfect tool for the job.

>> > successfully, I do have an account with Git/SVN privs, I do have full
>> > edit
>> > privs on the wiki, and this account was approved through the proper
>> > channels.
>> Everyone with php.net VCS account has full wiki karma. You don't need
>> VCS karma for that.
>> Again, I know you have VCS account, and know you have uploaded your SSH
>> key.
>> > So, if this isn't the correct list, please tell me which one is instead
>> > of
>> > just being condescending and disrespectful.  I haven't been
>> > disrespectful
>> > towards you and I would appreciate the same consideration to be
>> > reciprocated.  But regardless of that, I should have commit privs in
>> > Docbook
>> > so if this isn't the place to inquire about it, please tell me whom to
>> > contact and I'll do so.
>> phpdoc@lists.php.net is the appropriate list.
>> As for doc commit karma, Philip and I hand most of them out.
> Ok, so should I contact Philip or do you have time to take care of this?

I want you to show us a patch, just like anyone else, before we grant
you any karma.


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