On 31/08/12 16:41, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
I think that is a terrible idea. Yes there is some junk in there, but
there are also a lot of useful stuff and it is something most users
love. With a bit more attention from people we can improve the quality
and I think that could start with a better UI and a bit of cheer leading
from me and other PHP devs to motivate more people to help out.
I see your point, but I'm still concerned about a lot of the bad solutions. Perhaps the "Official Userland Library" would solve this - we could move a lot of the code snippets there, and leave the comments behind.
Maybe I should push the internals posts to useful contribution ratio
harder, or we could tie wiki voting to a minimum contribution level.
Editing notes, handling bug reports, doc commits, code commits, etc. Not
that I really want to build an accounting system for that, but just try
to get it into peoples' minds that they need to balance their ranting on
internals with some positive contributions.
I do try to, but this isn't really the subject of this ml thread, so if you wish to discuss that, please make a new thread.

Andrew Faulds

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