Last usage stats I've found are from 2010 and they don't even mention anything less than 4.3 (I guess because they were 0% even back then):

Last mention of PHP 4.2 and less is from 2008:

I'm not talking about undocumenting PHP 4.3, just PHP < 4.3.

Who told you no one uses those versions anymore?
Based on what information are you making that statement?

It's still very much possible that companies with outdated hardware or
software still rely on old versions (don't get me wrong, I'd love to be
rid of PHP 4.3, but I don't think we can just yet).

On May 19, 2013 3:04 AM, "Jakub Vrana" <
<>> wrote:


    I would like to undocument PHP < 4.3. It means that all mentions
    like "Available since PHP 4.3" would disappear from PHP Manual.
    Nobody uses these version anymore and it just clutters the
    documentation. We've done this previously for PHP < 4. I'll probably
    leave the mentions in the DocBook but comment them out.

    Please let me know your thoughts.


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