On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Levi Morrison <morrison.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After looking at what Hannes proposed, I think it is simple and fairly
> usable. I see potential parsing issues in the synopsis section, though. The
> code portion of that section should be marked somehow, perhaps with:
> ``php-synopsis
> int function strpos(
>     string $haystack,
>     mixed $needle,
>     int $offset = 0
> )
> ``

Maybe. We'll see when we start writing the format-to-html engine.
I don't want any extra characters or stuff if we don't need it.

> However, I agree that writing custom markdown is quite pointless when we
> could use rst. I'm not sold on that format either; I'm just saying that if
> we are going to switch from docbook we need something stable. Rolling our
> own sounds like a bad idea.

Please convert that sample page to rST.
Talk is cheap and we can bikeshed all we want for the fun of it.
To make something happen however I need you guys to create an example
of the strpos page using your "I wish we used <insert-format-here>" :)

Keep in mind, no matter what format we choose we do need to roll our own engine.

> It would also be a big transition from docbook to another format. We'd
> definitely need a translation tool to help us. I'm not sure what is out
> there, but I can definitely say what is not out there: a docbook to
> our-custom-markdown formatter. That's another thing to keep in mind.

Any off-the-shelf docbook->ascidoc/rST/markdown/whatever is not going
to work anyway, so it doesn't matter what is out there :)
As for translation tooling - yes, we'd need to find something, not
matter how the format winds up.
We have for over a decade used.. none. We've had revision numbers,
thats it. Recently the OE has done a great job - the new format would
greatly simplify that tool too.
So it doesn't worry me at all :)


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