On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 11:42 PM, Christian Stoller <stol...@leonex.de> wrote:
>>> At work we chose reStructuredText[1], because it gives you way more
>>> elements than markdown and is only slighter harder to write. Plain
>>> markdown e.g. has no tables, and definition lists, while rST has it out
>>> of the box.
>> That is pretty much exactly why I didn't want to use it.
>> It was just to much. I actually need to learn the syntax before I can write 
>> it.
>> I don't want the the strong semantics relations anymore. Dirt simple is the 
>> new plan.
>> Yes, we do need to introduce some new stuff - like tables for changelogs
>> (which are already included in the example document I attached).
>> We also need to introduce magical elements (which are already included
>> in the example document I attached) which cross link functions, types,
>> constants, whatever.
>> These magical elements are all confined in the linking marker [], and
>> I hope they have obvious meaning:
>> Python for example also uses rST (or whatever the current acronym for it is).
>> I know it is a decent format, but I don't want people needing to read some
>> primer explaining all the details and gotchas before they can do stuff.
> Hi Hannes,
> I really like Markdown and like to use it on Github, because it's so easy. 
> But I think when it comes to documentation Markdown is not enough. You 
> already said:
> - "Yes, we do need to introduce some new stuff"
> - "We also need to introduce magical elements"
> This means that the users/writers of doc have to learn the syntax anyway. So 
> in my opinion it would be easier to teach them rST+Less-Extra-Rules than 
> Mardown+More-Extra-Rules.

I'm not planning on teaching anyone anything. If that is needed then
this experiment has failed.


Which one feels more natural and easier to guess what happens?

Now look at

Did you correctly guess what would happen in one or the other?


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