On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 2:45 AM, Christian Weiske <cwei...@cweiske.de>
> Hello Hannes,
>> I however don't think we can do that with XML.
>> And I want to make it even easier to contribute - with essentially no
>> learning curve.
>> Looking around the web.. People seem pretty happy with Markdown...
>> Now, markdown has its obvious crazy huge drawbacks when it comes to
>> writing documentations.. but I think it can be done. Well.. Sortof.
>> We would need to create our own Markdown flavour, only adding a tick
>> here and there, should give us very readable format where people focus
>> on content rather then struggling with picking xml elements or fitting
>> things into correct containers or limited semantics.
> At work we chose reStructuredText[1], because it gives you way more
> elements than markdown and is only slighter harder to write. Plain
> markdown e.g. has no tables, and definition lists, while rST has it out
> of the box.

That is pretty much exactly why I didn't want to use it.
It was just to much. I actually need to learn the syntax before I can write

I don't want the the strong semantics relations anymore. Dirt simple is the
new plan.

Yes, we do need to introduce some new stuff - like tables for changelogs
(which are already included in the example document I attached).
We also need to introduce magical elements (which are already included in
the example document I attached) which cross link functions, types,
constants, whatever.
These magical elements are all confined in the linking marker [], and I
hope they have obvious meaning:


Python for example also uses rST (or whatever the current acronym for it
is). I know it is a decent format, but I don't want people needing to read
some primer explaining all the details and gotchas before they can do stuff.

Keep in mind the example was just something I randomly manually cooked up
from the strpos example.
We can bikeshed all we want if a line ending in a space should cause the
next line to be a separate paragraph (wtf?) or if * is a better list token
then -.

It doesn't matter and I don't really care :)
We can call this format rSTown (rST and markdown hybrid) if we want.
It just needs to be extremely simple and first and foremost: not be in my


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