On Aug 12, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Christian Weiske <cwei...@cweiske.de> wrote:

> Hello Hannes,
>> As an update.. Here is an actually generated page[1] into this new
>> markdown/rST style format, and its html rendering[2] using the new
>> tool, wtfm[3].
>> I still haven't received any suggested pure rST versions so will be
>> continuing using this format for the time being atleast.
> rST:
>  http://p.cweiske.de/51/raw/function.strpos.rst
> Rendered HTML with default renderer:
>  http://p.cweiske.de/51/raw/function.strpos.rst.html
> All of them:
>  http://p.cweiske.de/51

To further expand the rST testing, play with this:



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