On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Jakub Zelenka <bu...@php.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to commit documentation for my extension fann that is
>> currently on PECL: http://pecl.php.net/package/fann . I have documented
>> the extension, all functions and classes.
>> If you want to check the sources, they (just extension directory fann)
>> are available on https://github.com/bukka/php-fann-doc . There also is a
>> directory .extra that contains a copy of files in the top directory:
>> global.ent, language-snippets.ent, manual.xml.in . This directory is not
>> meant for the svn commit (it's just my backup). I would commit only the
>> original files in doc-base/ and en/
>> I saved the generated html on http://bukka.eu/php/doc/book.fann.html(only 
>> fann part of documentation is uploaded - not the whole PHP doc).
>> I am not sure how it is with svn karma. Please could you let me know if
>> it's ok to commit and how I can do that?
>> Thanks
>> Jakub
> Hi,
> Please can someone help? The documentation for fann extension is ready
> (see above). The source code complies with
> https://wiki.php.net/doc/howto/styleguide .
> I have got php.net account so I should have the access. Does it need to
> be reviewed by someone before I commit? How can I set up the svn (is there
> anything on wiki)?

You have doc karma: http://people.php.net/user.php?username=bukka
So you can just commit it directly if you are comfortable with what you
have and don't feel like you need review.

I'd recommend to do it in 2 commits though. One for the actual docs, and
one commit for the "meta updates" (such as changes in manual.xml.in, entity
files and things like that).

I don't know if there are any instructions about how to setup svn on the
I believe most people checkout the doc-en magic module:
That includes the en/ directory as svn:external along with the doc-base

Note that we don't use svn+ssh, and you can only commit over https. The
credentials are the same as your normal php.net credentials.


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