On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Chris Wright <c...@daverandom.com> wrote:

> - What sort of timescale are we looking at for this (I'm not expecting
> dates but maybe weeks vs. months vs. years?)

We do things whenever we have time.
This change is even more tricky (although easier in some respect) then
the -> docbook5 bump, or xslt or phd..
I'd guess months, although my initial timeframe was a symbolic October
1st (PhD turns 6years old).

> - The only outstanding strict standards errors remaining are
> missingInitializer errors. The vast majority of these are arguably not
> really errors - many functions that take an optional arg don't really
> have a default value for those args, especially those functions that
> take by-ref output args (for example exec()). Can we do something
> about this (and is it worth it given the answer to Q1)?

Since we will be moving to more of a freeform format it is important
that all pedantic consistency issues are in as good shape as possible.

Initializers are also important, arguments that are by-reference
should indicate the "return type".

> For this second question, really there are three options:
> - Change any args that don't really have a default value to an
> initializer of null, which is the closest that PHP has to a convention
> in this respect

IMO an optional argument should have a way to "skip it, using default value".
its annoying when in userland you have to do
if ($option) {
foo($arg1, $arg2, $option);
} else {
foo($arg1, $arg2);

And I consider it a bug when I cannot pass empty string/array/null to
the optional parameter.

> My main reason for clearing out these backlogs is that backlogs cause
> the tools to become less useful, old things hanging around just
> becomes noise. Ideally I'd like to see everything emptied (and I'm
> quite prepared to put the work in to accomplish this) but I don't want
> to do it if we will be scrapping docbook in a fortnight, and I want to
> make sure that the community is agreed with the direction any work
> I/we do put in.

Keep it going! :)

I believe most of the 'strict' rules are very beneficial in the long
run, irregardless of of/when we kill docbook.


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