
I've started out tackling the vast number of Imagick functions that have
either no documentation at all, or lack examples. A couple of questions:

1) Should I submit a separate patch per change? Standard best practice is
usually to do that, but seeing as it's SVN and may take time to merge each
patch, would it make the people who are merging changes lives easier to
have fewer patches?

2) Are there any guidelines on adding images to the doc? Some of the
Imagick functions would seem to benefit from a pictorial example as they're
much easier to explain visually than with text. If they're allowed, what
size can be used and is there a recommended colour scheme?

3) Some methods are missing from the Imagick classes, and some are not
marked as static when they should be. Is it possible for these to be edited
online, or does that need to be generated from the source code? For example
the page http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.imagickpixel.php seems to have
the function list pulled in from somewhere else:

   <xi:include xpointer="xmlns(db=http://docbook.org/ns/docbook)

4) As much fun as it is being 'anonymous #33522' please could I have a
login for the online editor?


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