I would welcome the results of your efforts, and contribute where I could,
but I think it would be best to make calls to BLAS and LAPACK, since they
are battle-tested. I am currently working my way through a book 'Handbook
of Neuroevolution through Erlang', but I prefer Lisp. Erlang is just better
at the fault tolerance, distributed thing.
Lush2 Lisp was used for heavy numerics, so you may want to look there for
some guidance, however the Sourceforge site is down at the moment.
I am currently trying to get PilOS running on Qemu on a Win 8.1 64bit
machine. I'd love to have that and computational intelligence libraries
working in 64bit PicoLisp! Hey, how about PicoCi or PicoCI?


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 5:08 PM, Rowan Thorpe <ro...@rowanthorpe.com> wrote:

> On 2015/07/20-01:01, Amaury Hernández Águila wrote:
> > I think this will be an exciting project. I'll try a pure PicoLisp
> > implementation and see how far I can go. Any suggestions to the name of
> the
> > library? PicoML sounds good.
> >
> > Currently, I would start with a fuzzy logic toolbox, genetic programming
> > and an architecture to create multi-agent systems. The second step would
> be
> > to create neural networks.
> If you will develop on a public repo, please do send this thread a link to
> it
> when you feel it is at a point that others could send pull-requests to (or
> open
> issues for) to help with the progress.
> --
> Rowan Thorpe
> PGP fingerprint:
>  BB0A 0787 C0EE BDD8 7F97  3D30 49F2 13A5 265D CCBD
> ----
> "There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person
> sees
> a problem, and a concerned person solves a problem."
>  - Harold Stephens
> --
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