I'm starting to understand what PilOS really is, thanks to your patient
I'll keep hacking away at it, since the payoffs are big for me from a
learning perspective.
I don't need a typical system - gcc, clibs, or a gui. I was trying to
follow some of the rosetta code examples, and that's when I started to see
what's in PilOS. When you say "@lib/z3d.l" is in C, if I wanted to learn
how to build upon PilOS, would it be preferable to use pil-assembly or Lisp
(PicoLisp, I assume)? Can I learn pil-assembly from the source files, or do
you have a reference somewhere?
Thanks again!


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 11:08 PM, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>

> On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 04:30:53PM +0200, Alexander Burger wrote:
> > So you must first port X11 and OpenGL to PilOS. A surely interesting
> > task ;)
> .. especially as there is no C compiler yet (and probably also not in
> the future). So it must be done in Lisp and/or pil-assembly.
> Of course a full X11 is not needed.
> A possible first step might be getting the flight simulator (in
> "misc/rcsim.l") up and running. The only library it uses is "@lib/z3d.l"
> which - though in C - does no more than writing single pixels into a
> window. This could perhaps be rewritten to write those pixels directly
> to the frame buffer.
> Still a daunting task ... ;)
> ♪♫ Alex
> --
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