Hi Alex
Thank you for the advice....I've just this minute used debug by
coincidence...but not with breakpoint and I've never used trace.
so thank you for those and also for putting me straight re the positioning
and syntax of (let (A 1 B 2..
Please have a good rest of the weekend.
Best Regards

On 29 January 2017 at 14:42, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> Hi Dean,
> > I'm tending to develop functions in isolation so I can watch them like a
> > hawk.
> Watching like a hawk is always good! ;)
> In addition to that, I would recommend to use 'trace' and 'debug'.
> Especially
> 'trace' is more useful than it may seem, letting you monitor your whole
> program's behavior selectively. Individual functions can be single-stepped
> with
> 'debug', or by manually setting a breakpoint '!' with 'edit' or in the
> source
> code.
> > (let Some_sym.......
> >       Some_sym is seen anywhere up to the closing bracket above  ---)
> >
> > but then I seem to want to access Some_sym beyond the closing bracket
> > SEEMINGLY dictated by the flow of control.
> Just move '(let Some_sym ...' up.
> > (let A 1 B2
> >
> > write your program as usual here safe in the knowledge that you have
> access
> > to A and B
> I think you mean
>    (let (A 1  B 2)
>       ... )
> ♪♫ Alex
> --
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