Hello Jakob,

>  But if you dislike GitHub on
> principle or because the data mining and the surveillance of the social
> function is disgusting to you, you should not use it.

 I believe it's ultimately about principle -> design -> philosophy (of
course security features matter!) of any software/service. Otherwise
why even invest time on picolisp, Java (or similar others) would be

>> 5 juni 2018 kl. 13:12 skrev Philipp Geyer <phil...@geyer.co.uk>:
>> If you really want security then self hosting is the way to go.
>> Everyone offers a self hosted solution, although some are more pricey
>> than others. Github and Bitbucket self hosting. Github is $2.5k /10
>> users / year, Bitbucket is $2 / user / month. Gitlab also costs money if
>> you don't want the community version which is missing a bunch of
>> features (starting at $4/user/month)
>> Gitlab is also not totally free software.
>> "Better" solutions if you want to self host git with a web frontend
>> appears to be gogs, or the more featureful fork, gitea. Personally, I
>> will be setting up a gitea instance at some point, as it was something I
>> have been meaning to do for a long time, but I'll still keep the
>> majority of my code on github, at least as a mirror, for now, as the
>> social aspect means it's easier for people to see it (not that many
>> people are interested in my projects, but still)
>> Phil
>> --
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Warm Regards,
Nehal Singhal

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