the problem with self hosting is rising costs and risk, you assume the
maintenance of the whole system and the cost of keeping it alive while a
platform perform those tasks for you so IMHO is better to go for a FS
platform and company if that is important too

A platform with a big infrastructure will always be better for users than a
shelf hosting in a personal machine

Anyway my initial point is Github always was a closed company, so if that
was not a problem in the past it should not be now under MS umbrella, we're
standing at the same place

On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 8:25 AM, Alexander Williams <>

> I agree with Alexander Sharihin. The only/best option is self-hosted.
> "Other platforms" is just moving "the problem" from X to Y.
> I've also got a custom diy repo cloning tool, which generates a nice
> HTML page. It didn't take long to write (in PicoLisp, of course), so
> perhaps it's a good way for others to exercise their pil-coding-muscles ;)
> AW
> On 06/05/2018 08:03 AM, Alexander Sharihin wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > GitLab works on Microsoft's Azure Cloud.
> >
> > As I know picolisp developed without using github nor gitlab.
> >
> > If you care about freedom use only self-hosted solutions(I'm using just a
> > ssh-server and user named git with simple diy repo creating tool).
> >
> > 2018-06-05 9:52 GMT+03:00 pd <>:
> >
> >> Best alternative probably is gitlab which is free and git based
> >>
> >> Anyway there's no reason to change right now because github already was
> >> non-free and closed so there's nothing new with MS, just a closed
> company
> >> swapping. If github was good before it could be good now Just sit down
> to
> >> see what MS is planning
> >>
> >> El Mar 05/06/2018, 8:45, Nehal <> escribió:
> >>
> >>> Dear PicoLisp programmers,
> >>>
> >>> Just see attached news of GitHub been sold out to Microsoft. Being
> former
> >>> FSF licensing intern I strongly believe we now need to look forward to
> >>> another free code hosting platform in order to keep our projects,
> >>> especially PicoLisp source files free and open Source in its true
> spirit
> >>> and not be under umbrella of proprietary firms that are not true to
> spirit
> >>> of FOSS.
> >>>
> >>> There is an urgent need to ponder on this and take a strong decision to
> >>> move stuff from GitHub altogether. Mercurial (
> >>> wiki/Mercurial), GNU Savannah (
> >>> wiki/GNU_Savannah) may be other alternatives!
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Nehal
> >>>
> >>> सा विद्या या विमुक्तये
> >>>
> >>
> >

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