What are you talking about? Troll bait much.

Majority of IT practitioners have really bad knowledge about history of
IT & computer science.
Most things are in popular use solely because they are popular (which
may give legitimate non-technical benefits).

Especially in software long-solved mistakes are done again and again,
only because there are often stronger incentives (economical, bragging
rights) to create something pseudo-new instead of doing it right.

The knowledge of the elder sages is too often ignored (e.g. Fred Brooks,
Alan Kay, Donald Knuth, many more...).

That is a reason for why everything is so incredibly bad.
Popularity is not a useful way to measure the quality of something.

If your requirement for a programming language of choice is popularity,
then pick PHP.
If your requirement for a programming language is expressiveness and
flexibility, then you might like PicoLisp.

If you are unsure about your choices, feel free to ask meaningful
questions, we're willing to teach & learn from others. But please don't
disturb our zen calm with whiny passive aggressive bullshit, thank you.

On 22.02.21 11:52, pd wrote:
> El lun., 22 feb. 2021 9:31, Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de
> <mailto:a...@software-lab.de>> escribió:
>     ... and immune to temporary hypes
> What a nice desire being rejected by history of humankind again and
> again ;)
> Specially in computer science

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