On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 07:15:07AM +0000, Shaughan Lavine wrote:
> ~ $ unzip -l storage/shared/Download/test.zip
> Archive: storage/shared/Download/test.zip
> Length Date Time Name
> --------- ---------- ----- ----
> 0 2023-11-06 16:27 test/
> 56 2023-11-06 16:28 test/App.l
> ...
> ----------
> "Test"
> (menu "Test"
> (<h1> "center fh" "Test!") )
> ----------

This looks all perfectly correct.

> I can't use bin/pty, since pilbox isn't starting properly. I tried, but it 
> just times out.

Then perhaps somehow the file "App.l" in the PilBox home directory (i.e. the
PilBox app itself) got overwritten?

You could try to restore "App.l", by extracting it from the sources.

You probably know, but for the records:

   $ curl -O https://software-lab.de/PilBox.tgz
   $ tar xfz PilBox.tgz PilBox/assets/run/App.l
   $ cd PilBox/assets/run/
   $ zip -r a.zip App.l
   $ termux-share a.zip

Let's hope ;)

☺/ A!ex

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