
I have read the HowTo and much other documentation but cannot get the
path correct so I can HotSync.

Maybe I messed up by using cua0 instead of ttyS0 when I linked the
device file.

First I tried I  tried  as per the howto:

        ln /dev/cua0 /dev/pilot

until I realized that the port I use for my modem (serial port 1  (in
windoze parlance) is ttys.

I  then tried:

        ln /dev/ttys1 /dev/pilot


        ln /dev/ttys0 /dev/pilot

but received in both instances the message:

        ln: /dev/pilot: File exists

I then thought I might have a permission problem so I:

               chmod 666 /dev/ttyS1  and  ttyS0

Still no luck but at least the KPilot Daemon doesn't give me an error.

I am probably making more out of this than I need to, but I could sure
use some help.

Thanks for any help.


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