I myself was never able to get jpilot to work satisfactorily to replace

However, it would seem to me that an interface that would take some kind
of standard text interface - be it xml, or the vcalendar format - and 
add entries in that format to the database - would be a win.  The other
thing would be to have a command line interface where one could via arguments
enter text, date, time, repeating nature, alarm, and privacy level and have
the info added to the datebook would also be useful (perhaps it would just
generate a file in the right format, then do the above insert).

PilotManager has a conduit which uses the libical (vcalendar) library as well as
a library to read Solaris's calendar manager database and does syncing - perhaps
some code from there would be useful.
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL: http://www.purl.org/NET/lvirden/>
Even if explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should 
be construed as representing my employer's opinions.
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