> I would like a way to automatically enter those events into my Palm Pilot (and
> have them appear in jpilot). It would be fairly easy (using procmail & perl) to

Judd Montgomery writes:
> I'm working on import/export right now and once thats done I'm going to 
> use those routines to do filesync functionality.

Fabien VILLARD writes:
>       Dump the results of the parsing in a file sutable for
> install-datebook from pilot-link suite, and call it ? 

I've been trying to solve a similar problem.  A club I belong to has a
schedule of events for the upcoming year, and I was asked whether I knew
how to turn that into a .pdb which people could merge into their Palm
calendars (using the win/mac equivalent of pilot-xfer -m).

Poking around pilot-link, it was clear to me that it would be easy to
put the data into a form where I could use install-datebook to merge
it into my own calendar; that helps me, but it doesn't help other club
members who use operating systems with more primitive tool sets.  I
couldn't find a tool that translates dates from text to a mergeable pdb.

Looking at the source to install-datebook, it looks like that wouldn't
be too hard to write.  So I could write one easily enough, but if Judd
or David or someone else is already working on that, there's no point in
reinventing the wheel.  So, tell me, is this functionality part of any
of the ongoing datebook projects?   If not, would there be interest if
I wrote it?  I'd probably start from the install-datebook code and just
add a new flag, like -f (file) or -d (dump).  Of course, it would be
better to wait until the new argument parsing code is ready and be
compatible with that (is that in CVS yet?  I've been looking at 0.9.5,
not the CVS tree, so far.)  And I wouldn't want to step on any of the
work that's already being done to eliminate redundancy (e.g. if
install-datebook and reminders are going to be coalesced, which format
will be the one that's kept?)

Ultimately, something I'd really like is calendar converters that go both
directions: read the Palm's calendar DB into a text format, let me edit
the text format, then translate the text back to the right format to be
written back to the Palm.  (It's very tedious on the Palm to step
through day after day editing or deleting entries ...  much easier in
a linux text editor.)  I'd be willing to work on that, too, if it isn't
already being tackled by someone else.

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