Guillermo wrote:
> I have 2 Lubitels fitted with ZP (one) and Pinhole Sieve (other one), if you
> mount the ZP or Sieve in th eplace of the rear glass element, you'd get a
> 65mm focal length, they work very nice for me.  I have a third Lubitel that
> I will turn into a 65mm Pinhole camera to complement my Agfa 6X6 converted
> to 35mm pinhole.  For ZP and Sieve, a shutter is almost a must (it is for me
> anyway) and you can still use the shutter of the Lubitel.  I haven't used a
> P67.

Very interesting. I have a Lubitel myself (bought in a second hand shop
in Prague for 10 USD) that I wanted to use for "serious" 6x6 work, but
it leaks light like hell, so why not transform it. Can you give me
details (how to open the lens) etc. Can I still use the shutter?
greetings, Taco

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