--- "luish m. coelho" <lu...@ignore.com.br> wrote:
> stimulating. I heard Kodak 
> wants to terminate film pelicula for the movies in
> 2005? It may not be 
> true, but think about the enviroment impact our
> chemicals do).

My I'm talkative today.

Saw my first digital movie a few days ago -- Harry
Potter II -- and I have to admit I didn't like it.  I
could see the little square pixels that made up the
image anytime I focused my attention on a light
colored part of the screen.. distracting.

For me, it comes down to, we're analog, the world we
live in is analog.  Digitizedalwaysecessarilily a
compromise -- the camera sits there and says, "hey,
that pixel looks about like a blue 973" but it's not
-- it's a unique color that may never be seen again
(not to say that film doesn't make compromises as
well, but they're analog compromises -- which, for me,
my vision, my pictures, are more honest.

-- p 

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